What would life feel like if you were your own best friend?
Start by finding out...
Meet Your Guide
Christine Brähler (DClinPsy, PhD) is a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, author and lecturer. She has been teaching compassion for self and others around the world since 2008. She is a key contributor to the first clinical adaptations – Compassion Focused Therapy - and to the non-clinical training program, Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC), and its teacher training.
She has pioneered research into compassion-based psychotherapy for complex mental health issues.
Through her books, online courses and transformative workshops she guides us to overcome obstacles to gentle and fierce self-compassion and to relate to each other from a place of genuine good will, wisdom, and empowerment to co-create and live our purpose. Her approach integrates evidence-based methods, compassion-based parts work with a deep respect for and intuitive understanding of our innate wisdom and shared humanity.
She is a multilingual global citizen with a German passport and a popular speaker and workshop leader.