Ready for Self-Compassion?
Then let's get started: How are you and what do you really need?

> help with overcoming blocks to self-compassion?

> feeling cared for and soothed

> turn loneliness and longing into loving connectedness?

> transform powerlessness and anger in the face of harm and injustice into clarity, wisdom and fiercely self-compassionate action?

Learn more about my live workshops, retreats and books.

Bereit für Mitgefühl?
Wie geht es Dir und was brauchst Du wirklich?

Blockieren Dich Ängste vor Selbstmitgefühl?

Willst Du Einsamkeit und Sehnsucht in liebevolle Verbundenheit verwandeln?
Oder Selbstzweifel in Selbstvertrauen?
Oder Ohnmacht und Wut angesichts von Verletzung in kraftvolles Selbstmitgefühl?

In meinen Retreats, Workshops und Büchern behandle ich noch mehr Themen.

Boost your Therapy with Self-Compassion

For Clinicians:
Follow this evidence-based step-by-step course to embody wisdom during challenging moments and to help your clients with high shame and attachment trauma to develop self-compassion in a safe and effective way.

For Clients:
The NEW Audio Course Self-Compassion Made Easy helps to get started gently and safely and to overcome blocks.

Integriere Selbstmitgefühl in die Psychotherapie

Für TherapeutInnen
Folge diesem akkreditierten Video-Kurs, um Weisheit in herausfordernden Momenten zu verkörpern und Deinen KlientInnen mit starker Scham und Bindungstraumata zu helfen, auf sichere und effektive Weise mitfühlender mit sich selbst zu werden.

Für KlientInnen

Der Audio-Kurs Selbstmitgefühl leicht gemacht hilft Dir einen ersten Zugang zu finden und Hindernisse zu überwinden.

Meet the Teacher

Christine Brähler (DClinPsy, PhD) is a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, author and lecturer.

She has been teaching compassion for self and others around the world since 2008. She is a key contributor to the first clinical adaptations – Compassion Focused Therapy - and to the non-clinical training program, Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC), and its teacher training.

She has pioneered research into compassion-based psychotherapy for complex mental health issues.

Through her books, online courses and transformative workshops she guides us to overcome obstacles to gentle and fierce self-compassion and to relate to each other from a place of genuine good will, wisdom, and empowerment to co-create and live our purpose. Her approach integrates evidence-based methods, compassion-based parts work with a deep respect for and intuitive understanding of our innate wisdom and shared humanity.

She is a multilingual global citizen with a German passport and a popular speaker and workshop leader.